Lesson 1 Intro: Course Focus

Article by: Matt Polsky

Welcome to my comprehensive course on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In the digital age, search engines have revolutionized how we access information, reshaping every aspect of our daily lives. From how we seek knowledge, shop, and connect with others, to the manner in which businesses strategize and operate, the impact of search engines is undeniable. 

I designed this course to dive deep into the world of SEO, offering you a general understanding of how search engines work, the algorithms that drive them, and the strategies to effectively optimize online content. 

Whether you're hoping to be a marketer, content creator, business owner, or simply a curious learner, this course will equip you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. 

Be Ready for Change

Right now is a particularly interesting time in search marketing. AI models and tools will change and disrupt the typical search experience and potentially change many aspects of how we do our jobs.

Because of this, some lessons may change with limited notice.

New Serp

Course Focus

This course aims to teach you the basics of search engine optimization (SEO) and the skills needed to thrive in digital marketing. By the end of this course, you should be able to form and understand SEO strategies and perform the functions required to optimize a website.

Outside of SEO, you'll learn monetization techniques that impact the sites you visit daily - and maybe even change some opinions on what you trust on the web.

Lesson 1 Learning Objectives

  • Get an idea of the most used and up-and-coming search engines
  • Identify the difference between paid and organic results
  • Review common types and industry names for Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)
  • Understand how search engines crawl, index and rank content (and how this could change)
  • Look back at past algorithms and how these algorithms shaped SEO today
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